

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Put up a front

So, I think its a little irritating when people try to put up a front...like act like they are one way when they really aren't. I mean I am so FAR from PERFECT...but I try live my life on the open and if its personal...keep it personal.....cause daanng some people totally put up a front and its a little bit annoying....just because they don't want to hear "I told you so."

Growing up your parents will always tell you don't do this and don't do that because this and that will happen, well of course its only natural to do what your told not to do, and when the outcome is exactly what your parents warned you against, you avoid them all in all because you don't want to hear the "I told you so." Well, I  have noticed that certain people put up status updates about being super religious and super happy in their relationship, but than you see and know otherwise.... and its like hmmm why put up a front about it...when your not?...is this judgmental? I think it is a little, but also hard to discern from the status update to what the eye sees. I know what its like to be judged...but this habit bugs me! If I update my status its day to day, REAL LIFE motivation and inspirations....not things that will dictate a persons thoughts about me...It is what it is...is what I like to call it!

I think some people feel like everyone is working against them, so they have to work that much harder to make it seem like they are HAPPY or whatever, they don't want to fail like everyone knew they would so they put up a front. Its kind of sad because when you know the behind the scenes stuff, and you see them put up the front, its heart breaking that they can't be honest with themselves about their situations! Fake it to make...gets you no where...be honest with yourself, you either fake the happiness to prove people wrong, but than deal with years of heartache or you humble yourself and admit you were wrong and put an end to putting up a front...and your life will be SO MUCH BETTER!

I do UNDERSTAND its hard...but I think putting up a front makings things that much harder....this isn't a very positive blog...but for me its about letting it out..the purpose of my BLOGs...to let it all OUT! hahahaha.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hey Tess... you know, I can see your point... however, I think there's a lot to think about here. Sometimes people update their status because in that very moment, something good is happening. Maybe their relationship is not the strongest or the best, but in that moment something GOOD is coming of it and they just wanna hold on to that. Also, you know, some people front because they are insecure, and not happy within. I think you know the feeling, and I do think it's a little judgemental. We all do it, but remember, when we're judging someone we're really ignoring at a deeper struggle that we have.
