If I hear....I heard this about you is it true?....one more time I am gonnna SCREEEEAAAAAMMM for ICE CREAAAAAAM.lol. JK. I swear I can never meet a new person or make friends with people without someone asking me this question. It often entertains me that people care so much to talk about me
(not being cocky about it at all) and I feel like a lot of my blogs have been about this matter. I tell myself don't waste your time dwelling about it, but I figured thats why I have a blog to let it all OUT and like I said before if you are gonna say "Don't EXPLAIN your life"....well go read someone elses blog...hahaha NBFR!
It's gotten to a point where I walk into a room just assuming that everyone or someone in that room has something bad to say about me. It has mos def caused some insecurities in my life, but I try not to let it effect me too much! It's more annoying than anything...I just wanna wear a shirt that has all of my mistakes printed on it. I want everyone to know what I have done because of course I am not proud of them...but nor am I trying to hide it. Maybe if I did that...no one would ever ask me if something they heard was true...maybe I should really do it and get one printed in every color... could possibly start a new fashion statement.

What sucks the most about all of this is that I go through this phase with every new friend or guy I talk to. Everything is all good...fun...happy and than when people start to notice I am getting close to someone or hanging out with someone, they feel the need to tell them all the rumors they hear about me and give a history lesson on who I am and what I do....lol! I than go through the phase of hearing "so is this true...or did you really do this" and even sometimes the person stops talking to me or gives me the cold shoulder. It sucks....a lot! But I have become so immune to it that I pretty much just expect it. I am a PRO when it comes that phase of the relationship.
Anyways, its been happening a lot lately and I am getting kind of sick of it. Maybe its TURTLE in the SHELL time again..lol....ok drama much...hahaha! Its something I am learning to live with and accept. It also helps me realize who my real friends are, because even though people have lots to say about me, my real friends are always there and truly stand by me through thick and thin.
Ok....I think I made my point about all this...hopefully I don't feel the urge to write anymore about it ...cause OHKA people might think I am depressed or something. I am not I just like to write what comes to mind....I am HAPPY and I do love LIFE...just taking everyday as a learning experience and hopefully become a better person in the end...